Jon Loman's research:

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Swedish brown frogs
There are three brown Swedish species of Rana;
R. arvalis, R. temporaria and R. dalmatina. The latter is rare and local while the two former are widely spread over Sweden. They are my main anuran study subjects. Both breed explosively in spring and the tadpoles metamorphose after two to three months. They use both permanent and temporary ponds. They hibernate in water or in the soil. The common toad Bufo bufo, which is also subject of some of my work, has a mode of life similar to the brown frogs. It is however much less likely to breed in temporary ponds.


Publications, reports and manuscript
Most links to PDFfiles are found on the main publication
publication list page.

  1. 1976. Growth in Rana temporaria and R. arvalis. Norw. J. Zool. 24:232-233.
  2. 1976. Fluctuations between years in density of Rana arvalis and R. temporaria. Norw. J. Zool. 24:238
  3. 1978. Macro- and microhabitat distribution in Rana arvalis and R. temporaria (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) during summer. J. Herp. 12:29-33.
  4. 1978. Growth of brown frogs Rana arvalis Nilss. and R. temporaria L. in south Sweden. Ekol. Pol. 26:287-296.
  5. 1979. Food, feeding rates, and prey-size selection in juvenile and adult frogs Rana arvalis Nilss. and R. temporaria L. Ekol. Pol. 27:581-601.
  6. 1981. Spacing mechanisms in a population of the common frog Rana temporaria during the non-breeding period. Oikos 37:225- 227.
  7. 1984. Density and survival of Rana arvalis and R. temporaria. Alytes 3:125-134.
  8. 1986. Reproductive tactics of large and small male toads Bufo bufo. Oikos 46:57-61. With Thomas Madsen.
  9. A survey of the reptiles and amphibians in Kora national Reserve. In: Coe, M. and M. Collins (eds.). An Ecological inventory of the Kora national reserve, Kenya. P. 235-241. With Michael Cheptumo, Thomas Madsen, Alex Duff-MacKay, James Herbrard, and Damaris Rotich.
  10. Ecological studies on a moor frog population in southern Sweden. Beih. Schriftenr. Naturschutz Landschaftspfl. Niedersachs. 19:139-140.
  11. 1988. Breeding by Rana temporaria; the importance of pond size and isolation. Memo. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 64:113-115.
  12. 1990. Frog density and distribution in a heterogeneous landscape - a modelling approach. Ekol¢gia (CSSR) 9:353-360.
  13. 1991 Breeding pond fidelity in the common toad, Bufo bufo. With C. J. Reading and T. Madsen. J. Zool. Lond. 225:201-211.
  14. 1994. Site tenacity, within and between summers, of Rana arvalis and Rana temporaria. Alytes 12:15-29.
  15. 1995. Predation on Rana and Bufo tadpoles: Predator species and tadpole size effects. Mem. Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 71. With Björn Lardner.
  16. 1996. Övervakningsprogram för grodor i Skåne. [Monitoring program for frogs in Skåne]. Rapport från miljöövervakningen i Malmöhus län 7:1-48.
  17. 1997. Natural density regulation in tadpoles of the moor frog Rana arvalis - preliminary report of a field experiment. For Proc. 8th General Meeting of the Soc. Europ. Herp.
  18. 1999. Early metamorphosis in common frog Rana temporaria at risk of drying: an experimental demonstration. Amphibia-Reptilia 20:421-430.
  19. 2001. Effects of tadpole grazing on periphytic algae in ponds. Wetlands Ecol. Managmt. 9:135-139.
  20. 2001. Local variation in Rana temporaria egg and clutch size - adaptions to pond drying? Alytes 19:45-52.
  21. 2001. Intraspecific competition in tadpoles, does it matter in nature? A field experiment. Popul. Ecol. 43:253-263.
  22. 2002. When crowded, tadpoles (Rana arvalis and R. temporaria) fail to metamorphose early and thus fail to escape drying ponds. Herp. J. 12:21-28.
  23. 2002. Microevolution and maternal effects on tadpole Rana temporaria growth and development. J. Zool. 257:93-99.
  24. 2002. Rana temporaria metamorph production and population dynamics in the field. Effects of tadpole density, predation and pond drying. J. Nature Conserv. 10:95-107
  25. 2002. Temperature, genetic and hydroperiod effects on metamorphosis of brown frogs Rana arvalis and R. temporaria in the field. J. Zool. 258:115-129.
  26. 2003. Plastic response to pond drying in tadpoles Rana temporaria: tests of cost models. Evol. Ecol. Research. 5:179-194. With Didrik Clasesson.
  27. 2003. Growth and development of larval Rana temporaria: Local variation and countergradient selection. J. Herp. 37:595-602.
  28. 2003. Growth or reproduction? Resource allocation by female frogs Rana temporaria. With Björn Lardner. Oecologia. 137:541-546.
  29. 2003. Inventering av vanlig groda och åkergroda i Skåne 2002. Skåne i utvveckling 2003(19):1-26. PDF, 2.4MB
  30. 2004. Density regulation in tadpoles R. temporaria: A full pond field experiment. Ecology 85:1611-1618. PDF
  31. 2004. Loman, Jon and . Communal spawning in the common frog Rana temporaria - egg temperature and predation consequences. Ethology 110:665-680. PDF. With Pia Håkansson
  32. 2006. Does pond quality limit frogs Rana arvalis and R. temporaria in agricultural landscapes? A field experiment. J. Appl. Ecol. 43:690-700. PDF. With Björn Lardner
  33. 2007. Monitoring brown frogs Rana arvalis and R. temporaria in 120 south Swedish ponds 1989 - 2005. Mixed trends in different habitats. Biol. Conserv. 135:46-56.PDF. With Gunilla Andersson.
  34. 2008. Studies on the moor frog (Rana arvalis) in south Sweden. Journal of Field Herpetology, Supplementary volume, Laurenti publisher, Bielefeld, 2008.
  35. 2009. Does landscape and habitat limit the frogs Rana arvalis and Rana temporaria in agricultural landscapes? A field experiment. J. Appl. Herp. 10:227-236. PDF. With Björn Lardner.
  36. 2009. Primary and scondary phenology. Does it pay a frog to breed early? J. Zool. 279:64-70 PDF
  37. 2009. Density dependent growth in adult brown frogs Rana arvalis and R. temporaria - a field experiment. Acta Oecol. 35:824-830. PDF. With Björn Lardner.
  38. Loman, Jon and Björn Lardner. 2009. Density dependent growth in adult brown frogs Rana arvalis and R. temporaria - a field experiment. Acta Oecol. 35:824-830. PDF

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Jon Loman
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